Fanless PSUFanless PSU Connectors

The power supply is one of the most important choices you can make when configuring a silent computer, it effects the overall noise level as well as the stability, and longevity of the PC, and here at SilentPC we have carefully chosen a selection of the world's quietest and most reliable power supplies.

Power supplies are the driving force of your system. Inadequate power will result in an unstable system. Failing computer components should be the last thing on your mind while working on that important deadline. Power Supplies provide the necessary power to the hard drives, DVD drives, and video cards. At the same time, a noisy power supply can be distracting. We've tested and compared the best quiet power supplies to use in conjunction with our silent systems.

Description Model Number
Cooler Master 850W Fanless X Silent Edge Platinum MPS-8501-AZAP


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